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Yanwen Wang

Yanwen Wang

Yanwen Wang

BA (Fudan), MPhil (UNSW), PhD (Emory)
Associate Professor and Chair, Marketing and Behavioral Science Division
Canada Research Chair in Marketing Analytics

Selected publications

  • Wang, Yanwen, Muxin Zhai, John Lynch. 2023. Cashing Out Retirement Savings at Job Separation. Marketing Science.42(4): 679-703. 
  • Goldfarb, Avi, Catherine Tucker, Yanwen Wang. 2022. Conducting Research in Marketing with Quasi-Experiments. Journal of Marketing. 86(3): 1-20.
  • Wang, Yanwen, Michael Lewis, and Vishal Singh. 2021. Does Brand Strength Moderate the Effectiveness of Counter-Marketing Techniques? The Case of Cigarettes. Journal of Marketing (Special Issue on Better Marketing for a Better World). 85(3), 150-67.
  • Lewis, Michael, Yanwen Wang, and Chunhua Wu. 2019.  Season Ticket Buyer Value and Secondary Market Options. Marketing Science, 38(6):913-1084.
  • Wang, Yanwen, Chunhua Wu, and Ting Zhu. 2019. Mobile Hailing Technology Value and Taxi Driving Behaviors. Marketing Science, 38(5):733-912.
  • Wang, Yanwen, Michael Lewis, and David Schweidel. 2018. A Border Strategy Analysis of Ad Source and Message Tone in Senatorial Campaigns. Marketing Science, 37(3): 1-23 (Lead Article)
  • Wang, Yanwen, Michael Lewis, Cynthia Cryder, and Jim Sprigg. 2016. Enduring Effects of Goal Achievement and Failure within Customer Loyalty Programs: A Large-Scale Field Experiment. Marketing Science, 35(4): 565-575.
  • Wang, Yanwen, Michael Lewis, and Vishal Singh. 2016. The Unintended Consequences of Counter-Marketing Strategies: How Particular Anti-Smoking Measures May Shift Consumers to More Dangerous Cigarettes. Marketing Science, 35(1): 55-72.


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