
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Thomas McCormick

Thomas McCormick

Thomas McCormick

AB (Penn), PhD (Stanford)
WJ Van Dusen Professor in Management
Professor Emeritus, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • J. Matuschke, S.T. McCormick, G. Oriolo, B. Peis, M. Skutella (2017).  Protection of Flows under Targeted Attacks. OR Letters, 45, 53–59.
  • A. Fischer, F. Fischer, and S.T. McCormick (2017). Matroid Optimisation Problems with Nested Non-Linear Monomials in the Objective Function.  Math. Prog., Paper (a preliminary version was a poster at IPCO 2014.
  • Y. Bo, M. Dawande, G. Janakiraman, and S.T. McCormick (2017).  On Integral Policies in Deterministic and Stochastic Distribution Systems.  OR, 65, 703–711.
  • J. Shao, H. Krishnan, and S.T. McCormick (2016). Gray Markets and Supply Chain Incentives. POM. 25, 1807-1819.
  • H. Aissi, A.R. Mahjoub, S.T. McCormick and M. Queyranne (2015). Strongly Polynomial Bounds for Multiobjective and Parametric Global Minimum Cuts in Graphs and Hypergraphs.  To appear in Math. Prog.; conference version appears as "A Strongly Polynomial Time Algorithm for Multicriteria Global Minimum Cuts" in Proceedings of IPCO 2014. J. Lee and J. Vygen (eds.) LNCS 8494, 25-36.

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