
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Samuel Roscoe


Samuel Roscoe

M.Sc. (Cranfield), Ph.D. (University of Manchester Business School)
Lecturer, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications 

  • Roscoe S., Cousins, P., Handfield, R. (2023) “Transitioning additive manufacturing from rapid prototyping to high volume production: A case study of complex final products” Journal of Product Innovation Management 
  • Bendoly, E., Chandrasekaran, A., Siavash, H.K., Handfield, R. Roscoe, S. (2023) The Role of Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing Capabilities in Developing Human-AI symbiosis: Evidence from Multiple Case Studies  Decision Sciences
  • Roscoe, S; Aktas, E., Petersen, K., Skipworth, H., Handfield, R,  Habib, F. (2022) “Redesigning global supply chains during compounding geopolitical disruptions: The role of supply chain logics” International Journal of Operations and Production Management  
  • Shaheen, I., Azadegan, A, Roscoe, S. (2021), “Who Takes Risks? A Framework on Organizational Risk-Taking during Sudden-Onset Disasters”; Production and Operations Management 
  • Roscoe S., Cousins, P., Handfield, R. (2019). “The Microfoundations of an Operational Capability in Digital Manufacturing “. Journal of Operations Management. 65 (8) pp. 774-793  

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