
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Ning Nan

Ning Nan

BA (Peking University), MA (University of Minnesota), and PhD (University of Michigan)
Co-Chair, Management Information Systems

Selected publications

  • T. Sturm, J. Gerlach, L. Pumplun, N. Mesbah, F. Peters, C. Tauchert, N. Nan, and P. Buxmann. Coordinating Human and Machine Learning for Effective Organizational Learning, MIS Quarterly, 45, 3. 2021.

  • H. Benbya, N. Nan, H. Tanriverdi, and Y. Yoo, Complexity and Information Systems Research in the Emerging Digital World, MIS Quarterly, 44, 1, 2020, pp. 1-17.

  • N. Nan and H. Tanriverdi, Unifying the Role of IT in Hyperturbulence and Competitive Advantage via a Multilevel Perspective of IS Strategy, MIS Quarterly, 2017, 41, 3, 937-958.

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