
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Martin Puterman

Martin Puterman

Martin Puterman

AB (Cornell), MS, PhD (Stanford)
Professor Emeritus, Operations and Logistics Division
Advisory Board Professor of Operations

Selected publications

  • Lavieri, M., M. Puterman, S. Tyldesley and W. Morris. "When to Treat Prostate Cancer Patients Based on their PSA Dynamics" IIE Transactions in Health Care Systems, 2, 62-77, 2012.
  • Saure, A., J. Patrick and M. Puterman "Optimal Multi-Appointment Scheduling", EJOR, 223, 573-584, 2012. 
  • Aristizábal R, Chow VS, French J, Khurshed F, McGahan C, Puterman ML, Tyldesley S (2012). "Patient satisfaction after the redesign of a chemotherapy booking process". Healthcare Quarterly 15(3): 58-68.
  • Santibanez, P., R. Aristizabal, R., M. L. Puterman, V.S Chow, W. Huang, C. Kollannsberger, T. Nordin, N. Runzer, S. Tyldesley "Operations Research Methods Improve Chemotherapy Patient Appointment Scheduling", Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety, 38(12): 541-553
  • Puterman, M.L, Y. Zhang, S. Aydede, H. Bavafa, S. MacLeod, and J. Mackenzie, "A Framework for Evaluating a Lean Health Care Program", Healthcare Quarterly (in press).

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