
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

David Gillen

Photo of David Gillen.

David Gillen

Ph.D. (University of Toronto)
Director, Centre for Transportation Studies
YVR Professor of Transportation Policy
Professor Emeritus, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • Laingo M. Randrianarisoa and David Gillen (2023) Policy responses and travellers’ preferences in pandemics: Evidence from Europe, Transport Policy, 141, 305-316
  • Laingo Randrianarisoa and David Gillen (2022), Reducing Sulphur Emissions: A Supply Chain Perspective, Transportation Research D: Transport & the Environment, Vol. 102 (January) 103074
  • Mehrnaz Ashrafi, Jane Lister and David Gillen (2021) Toward a Harmonization of Sustainability Criteria for Alternative Marine Fuels Maritime Transport Research: Special Issue: Shipping Decarbonization and Green Ports, Vol. 3, 1000052
  • Omar Swei, David Gillen and Anuabek Onayev (2021), Improving Productivity Measures of Producing Transportation Infrastructure using Quality-Adjusted Price Indices, Transport Policy, Vol. 114 (December) 372-381
  • Albert Assaf and David Gillen (2020) Firm Performance: Differentiating between Uncontrollable and Controllable Bad Outputs, Tourism Management, Vol 80 (2) (October) 104107

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