
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Baek Jung Kim


Baek Jung Kim

BA (Korea University), MA (Duke University),
PhD (New York University)
Assistant Professor, Marketing and Behavioral Science Division

Selected publications

  • Frustration-Based Promotions: Field Experiments in Ride-Sharing (2022), with Maxime Cohen and Michael Fiszer, 68(4), 2432-2464, Management Science.

    First Place in the 2018 Best Cluster Paper Award - INFORMS Service Science; Finalist in the 2018 INFORMS M&SOM student paper competition.

  • Accounting for Causality When Measuring Sales Lift from Television Advertising (2020), with Henry Assael and Masakazu Ishihara, 61(1), 3-11, Journal of Advertising Research.

    2021 Best Paper Award of Journal of Advertising Research.

  • The Pareto Rule for Frequently Purchased Packaged Goods: An Empirical Generalization (2017). with Vishal Singh and Russell S. Winer, 28(4), 491-507, Marketing Letters.

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