
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Ayumu Ken Kikkawa

Ken Kikkawa headshot

Ayumu Ken Kikkawa

B.Eng. (University of Tokyo), M.A., PhD. (University of Chicago)
Assistant Professor, Strategy & Business Economics Division

Selected publications

  • Emmanuel Dhyne, Ayumu Ken Kikkawa, Xianglong Kong, Magne Mogstad, and Felix Tintelnot (forthcoming) "Endogenous production networks with fixed costs", Journal of International Economics.
  • Emmanuel Dhyne, Magne Mogstad, Ayumu Ken Kikkawa, and Felix Tintelnot (2023)  "Measuring the Share of Imports in Consumption", American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings Vol. 113, Pages 81-86.
  • Emmanuel Dhyne, Ayumu Ken Kikkawa, and Glenn Magerman (2022)  "Imperfect Competition in Firm-to-Firm Trade", Journal of the European Economic Association.
  • Rudolfs Bems, Ayumu Ken Kikkawa (2021) "Measuring Trade in Value Added with Firm-level Data", Journal of International Economics, Vol. 129.
  • Emmanuel Dhyne, Ayumu Ken Kikkawa, Magne Mogstad, and Felix Tintelnot (2021) "Trade and Domestic Production Networks",  Review of Economic Studies, Volume 88, Issue 2, Pages 643–668.
  • Ayumu Ken Kikkawa, Akira Sasahara (2020) "Gains from Trade and the Sovereign Bond Market",  European Economic Review, Volume 124.


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