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Insights at UBC Sauder

Meet UBC Sauder’s new faculty – Vanessa Park

Vanessa Park
Posted 2024-02-28

At UBC Sauder, faculty members are more than just ‘professors.’ They conduct impactful research that is changing how society views the world while also inspiring students to pursue their academic passions and become the thoughtful, values-driven leaders the business world needs. This year, UBC Sauder welcomes ten new lecturers and tenure-track faculty to the school. In this article, we introduce you to Vanessa Park, Lecturer in the Law and Business Communications Group.

What brought you to UBC Sauder?

As one of the best business schools in the world, UBC Sauder attracts exceptional students. Teaching at UBC Sauder is an incredible opportunity to be a part of, and to have some impact on, the educational experience of so many bright, talented, and ambitious individuals. 

What is your field of expertise and how did you get into this field?

I started my career at a large, national business law firm with an interest in commercial litigation, but for the last 10 years, I have been a family law lawyer in private practice. It is cliché, but I became a lawyer, and specifically a family law lawyer, because I wanted to help people. In family law, people often come to you during one of the worst and most stressful times of their lives. They come to you because there are problems that they need your help to solve. This can make the work especially challenging. That being said, advocating for those in need and effectively applying the law and navigating the legal system to their benefit can also be very rewarding. 

What continues to fuel your interest in these areas?

One thing that has always fascinated me about the law is that it is constantly changing, evolving. Lawyers are perpetual students of the law. For example, in 2013, new family law legislation significantly changed the way we deal with property division. In 2023, amendments to the Family Law Act changed how we deal with excluded property and recognized pets as more than just property.

What inspires you to teach?

Teaching is such joyful work, and my students inspire me every day. My goal is to empower them to think critically, and to take what they have learned in the law classes I teach and apply that knowledge to advocate for themselves and for others and to better navigate the world around them. 

What do you believe is the future of your industry?

Recently, a few colleagues and I discussed whether lawyers are at risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence. We spent the better part of the afternoon testing different AI software, and I am relieved to report that our profession is safe - for now.

Can you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?

The most interesting fact about me right now is that I teach at UBC Sauder! 

What are you most looking forward to in Vancouver?

I have lived in Burnaby since 2002 and I attended UBC for my undergrad (class of 2008), so there isn't much I haven't already seen or done in Vancouver. But I do find myself enjoying the UBC campus more now than I did when I was a student. It truly is a beautiful place to be, and I look forward to spending more time here.



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